Rosedale WwTP

  • Rosdale WWT

Rosedale Wastewater Treatment Plant

Our staff have been involved a range of expansion upgrades to the Rosedale Wastewater Treatment Plant. Our roles have covered the range from detailed design and managing commissioning of the stage 5 upgrade to Project Management of the design for the current expansion project.

These upgrade projects included:

  • Clients project manager for a NZ$60 million expansion upgrade to increase the plants hydraulic throughput including additional primary, secondary and digester treatment capacity. This project also included a new NZ$20 million trunk sewer to the plant. The design was procured using NEC3 Professional Services contract.
  • Mechanical design of the stage 5 upgrade to the inlet works, primary treatment and odour control facilities for the contractor under a FIDIC design and build contract.
  • Commissioning Manager for the contractor through to completion and handover to the client.

Client: Watercare Services, North Shore City Council, SKM and Fulton Hogan

Completed: Various dates between 2006 – 2014