Jabel Ali Wastewater Treatment Plant – Dubai
This project involved the detailed design of a new 300 MLD sewage treatment plant in Dubai.
Our role was to assist with the detailed design phase mainly focused on the solids stream including sludge storage tanks and pumping systems, heat exchanger systems, six fixed roof digesters and all associated services, gas holders, hot water systems, sludge dewatering and sludge drying facilities. It also included the design review of the treated effluent pump station (2000l/s) and disinfection system.
- Leading the creation of effective work packages, developing specialist teams and establishing programmes for their delivery.
- Leading a team of designers to deliver the detailed design of the solids stream remotely from the core project team
- Guiding and leading teams in New Zealand, Dubai and UK to ensure effective co-ordination and delivery of both the design and contract documentation through to completion.
Client: Dubai Municipality
Dates: 2006 – 2007